June 8, 2012

Comments (18)

  • I hate his vocal inflections (“the constitution-AH, the President-uh…” It’s the kind of talking that annoys me.

    That said, HOLY SHIT. This guy’s a Baptist?? If so, he’s got BALLS OF STEEL. He could walk naked through a metal detector, and the damn thing would go crazy. He NAILED IT so hard, I can’t begin to imagine how shaken up the congregation must’ve been. He said it himself: “I’m gonna lose some of y’all.” Well, it’s THEIR loss, Mr. Preacher. If they only want to hear pre-packaged bigotry, that’s their problem.

    This is great, and I wish more preachers had the cojones to talk like this.

    But, all of that said…he sounds very secular. Which begs the question: Why not drop Christianity altogether? It seems tailor-made to foster bigotry and subservience to outdated dogmas.

    But, regardless, I tip my metaphorical hat to this man.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust -  Not only are they made of steel, I hope his trousers are baggy because they are the size of bowling balls. I grew up Southern Baptist, went to a Baptist college and Seminary, and served on the staffs of Baptist churches for 17 years. I finally had to switch denominations when the hatred and bigotry disguised as Christianity got to be too much for me to stomach. For this man to stand in a Baptist pulpit and say the things he said takes incredible courage and I have nothing but respect for him.

  • @ColdSkivvies -  True. I forgot to mention the boulder-like size of this man’s cojones. Size does matter. LOL!

    Yes, your experience confirms what most already should know: That the Baptist denomination is one of the most ass backwards and bigoted. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the “God hates fags” crowd is from a Baptist church. Granted, those guys are wackos regardless, and they definitely went WAY overboard with it. Still, they fit better under the Baptist banner than, say, Pentecostal or Adventist. At least, from what I can see.

  • I’m working on a post about how more moderate and liberal Christians need to be making their voices heard over the roar of the “Moral Majority” (which is neither). I’m glad there are people like him and you out there, making your voices heard.

    On a complete side-note, this man would make an excellent Def Poet were he to so choose. So much of his tone and inflection and rhythm (and occasional rhyme) reminds me of a lot of what I’ve seen on Russel Simmons’ show.

  • @GodlessLiberal -  Thank you. I very much enjoy your well reasoned posts and your comments, especially the ones dealing with our dear nemesis Curtis.

  • @ColdSkivvies - Our nemesis has been blocked (at least on his main account, who knows how many more he has?). And I’m glad you enjoy my well-reasoned posts (which I know not all of them are).

  • A-men! I totally agree!

  • Yeah. I remember reading an aritcle that some pastor said they want black people to fight for gay rights (because the argument was that black people seem to be the most prejudiced and ignorant against them). But I’m thankful to see some pastors and Christians willing to understand what they have to go through. We can’t have hate against people trying to get used to their situations. That makes living much harder than it really is for gay people.

  • Oh, this was fabulous, amazing, inspirational… did I mention fabulous? If there were preachers like this around here, I’d return to church in a heartbeat!

  • i love this man. he could single-handedly convert me, i bet.

  • also, there’s a freaking ankh!!!

  • This guy completely nailed everything. I can’t say much about the black issues, but there’s no reason for bigotry to be covered up by the Bible. It’s stupid and irrelevant.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale -  I wondered that myself. What’s up with that? My best guess is the vast majority of the congregation doesn’t even know what that is. They probably think it’s just a different-looking cross,i.e., a cute “redesign” of it. *rolls eyes*

  • yeah yeah yeah, this video wont load on my phone but I believe you. it’s about pick and choose. eat bacon, don’t hate on gays, don’t stone fornicaters, no slaves allowed… but! be kind to everyone, try to follow the ten commandments, rejoice in love and take care of everyone as you would your own… modern christianity ftw!

  • @Dungeonbrownies -  Well, I don’t care if you eat bacon, but I’d support the rest of it.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust - 

    did some research (aka checked Wikipedia). apparently Coptic Christians use a cross symbol very similar to the ankh. which makes sense, since they’re Egyptian. but even then, it doesn’t look exactly like it.

  • It is sad how amazing this is. I wish gay rights were not such a huge deal; I wish it was simply accepted. Maybe one day??

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