July 27, 2009

  • I’m Confused…


    I mentioned awhile back that I have a Facebook page like every other person on the planet, but that I never mention politics or religion in that forum. That’s because I have lots of very conservative friends on Facebook (i.e. customers and fellow employees) who do not know I am a baby-killin, homo-loving, tree-huggin, wack-job liberal, and they would cease to do business with me should they discover this fact.

    Perhaps you find it disingenuous that I’m less than forthcoming about my personal dogma in the pursuit of filthy lucre.

    If you do, you can just keep on worrying about my ethics and I’ll keep on paying my mortgage.

    Anyway…I can be open on here, so I’d like to state for the record that I’m confused about something…

    All of my Republican friends on Facebook keep talking about how they are against health care reform because they can’t abide the idea of government interfering in their lives.

    Fair enough, but if they are concerned about government interference in their lives then why do they think it’s perfectly acceptable for the government to:

    • Tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her own body.
    • Tell everyone in America who they are allowed or not allowed to marry.
    • Invade the privacy of American Citizens while playing on their fears.
    • Promote Christianity over other religions by instituting “faith-based” initiatives.

    Maybe I’m nuts, but I don’t mind the government making sure that every American has access to health care and I don’t mind helping pay for it, but I do want the government to stay OUT of my bedroom, my church, and my emails and phone calls.

    So…if Republicans are really against government interference in our lives, then maybe I’m a Republican after all?

Comments (36)

  • One word:  SHAZAAM!!  

  • WOOOOOOT!!!!!!!

  • Great post, love the points.

  • Oh hell…..Now you made this Republican thing again!!!  I so confused…………..

  • Funny, I’ve been wondering the same things myself. For decades. Yet no one ever answers.

  • Now, you now the Repugs only want the governmental control when it offends their religious beliefs.  Sheesh. 

  • Makes sense to me.

    Just kidding, it doesn’t really.

  • You should go read my latest blog about being a closet Democrat. We’re confused.

  • Love this post and the way you think!   Wish the folks who use facebook to either (1) debate politics or (2) preach their own version of religion would find another forum.  Cheez – I go to facebook for the games and apps, not see who is on their own particular soap box!  For that, I watch the appropriate TV shows..

    Could ya, would ya, SHOULD ya post this on facebook?  I have some family members who need to to read this!

  • I agree with you all the way on this one.  Although i dont ever have much to do with the government.  I feel they just need their big head cut off.  

    As far as relgion in government, it shouldnt be.  I have to live in a society that wants to look down their nose at me for my beliefs because they aren’t christian.  Which from my understanding of the faith they really shouldnt.


  • oh snap someone got told

  • Nice can of woop ass you have opened up over here.

  • well, here’s what i don’t understand with the whole “don’t want government interfering with health care” sob story: why is it bad for government but okay for insurance companies to decide who your doctor will be and what medical procedures you can and cannot have. the other health care argument i’ve heard but don’t get: “with socialized health care you’ll have to wait months for an appointment.” hell, every year i try to schedule my annual doctor appointment around my birthday in october but i’m never able to actually see the doctor until january.

    but what can i say. i have socialist leanings.

  • And I’m still on the same page as you!

  • This might help clear things up…or add to your confusion….or make your head spin around.  Always glad to help.


  • I might be a Christian, but that doesn’t mean that I look down my nose at anyone.  It’s not my place to judge, but I feel that if someone were to start talking about their beliefs, then they better damn well be ready to listen to mine without making me feel stupid.  No, I don’t believe in abortion–Abortion really pisses me off.  As for marriage, I believe what the Bible says about it.  But I also believe in how Jesus lived—’hate the sin, LOVE the sinner’ (which would include any holy roller, btw!). 
    Anyway, I’m off my soapbox for that one….
    I honestly have no opinion on the socialized health care reform or whatever.  I have no idea what it means, or anything.  And quite frankly, I’m almost too afraid to even ask some of my friends on FB, since they’d probably laugh at me for not staying more current with what’s going in the country. 

  • Hello Mark,
    You made your site simple yet elegant. The pictures are a nice touch. I see that you have a wide variety of interests and observations here!
    I’m sending an important message to people from Jehovah God that is in the Bible: “And my holy name I will make known… and I will not suffer my holy name to be profaned any more: and the nations shall have to know that I am Jehovah.” (Ezekiel 39:7) (YLT)

  • Excellent post!!!

  • true that!

    on a side note, i watched sicko today and i went from not really knowing where i stood on universal health care (didn’t know much about it) to completely supporting it. yay!

  • I have been saying EXACTLY the same thing for quite awhile.  As a matter of fact, that’s how I explain the differences in the parties to young’uns.  The R’s are for government keeping out of your money, but they LOVE being in your bedroom.  The D’s want government out of your bedroom, but they’d like you to donate more money to government. 

    Every US citizen who is confused about Universal Health Care should read Canadian CuriousGeorgina’s post about their health care system.  I have been doing medical billing recently, and our insurance industry is a crock.  As if no one knew that.

  • Oh, yeah.  I’m going to request you as a friend.  My real name is Catherine.

  • Ha ha, REPUBLICAN!!! (it’s such a dirty word, isn’t it!)

    Well, if it is possible for you to be related to Brad Pitt, it is possible for you to agree with some of the tenets of the Republican Party. Actually, did you know Joel is registered Republican and has been to several of their official gatherings? I think the last one was a little much for him though. He really is an undercover Libertarian, but DON’T TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT.


  • Amen!  (or not, depending upon your political parties’ views on religion.)

  • I love all the reactions to your post….this was an awesome discussion (of sorts).

  • So True. I 100% agree with you. I can’t even begin to count the arguments I’ve had over this.

  • did you know that the real problem with the government health plan is that the democrats plan to use it to kill off old people? that’s what rush and company are saying, so it must be true.

  • @sportsgoddess - 

    REAllY? After we’re done killing off old people can we use it to kill off Rush?

  • well, rush was saying that the government plans to use pain killers to numb the senses of the elderly so they don’t know they are being killed off. and who knows better about pain killers and numbed senses than rush?

  • I think the framers made things clear that they didn’t want any kind of national religeon.  I have read numerous articles that say they felt that a national religeon would lead to discrimination.  Can’t imagine why they thought that.  I personally would be happy with government that stayed out of my bedroom, except for the occasional 3 way with George Stephanopolis, and didn’t tell me who I should care about or how to live my life.  Alas the Dem’s are little better when it comes to consistency.  They want governement to stay out of your bedroom, unless you want to keep a gun in there.  I myself am a big fan of gun control, because it works.  Countries where there are strict gun control laws have far fewer gun deaths.  I know that folks say without a gun murderous folk will simply use a knife.  I know the argument, but how many presidents have been shot or killed with a knife?  It’s much harder to kuill someone on the street with a knife.  A gun is much more lethal.  But I digress.  It is a conundrum that is hard to resolve.  But if you feel your argument is backed by GOD, then you are willing to forego logic.  It’s one of the prime tenets of most religeon.

  • @Gungaboy - 

    I was once on a flight with George Stephanopolis from Louisville to Washington D.C. I’m sorry to break your heart, but he was in the middle of a three way with Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer at the time.

  • It is indeed bewildering!

  • As usual, you have the ability to turn something stupid into something funny LOL

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